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  [OST] Bubble Bobble / 버블 보블 - Arcade  +   [Games OST/Arcade]   |  2015. 2. 14. 21:56


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 Bubble Bobble [Arcade] OST




01. Title, Extend

02. Credit Inserted

03. Introduction. Main Theme

04. Extend Bonus Music

05. Main Theme

06. Hurry!. Main Theme (faster)

07. Bonus Game

08. Main Theme (faster)

09. Skull Monsuke appears

10. Secret Room

11. False Ending

12. Super Drunk

13. All Clear

14. Halley's Comet

15. Real Ending

16. Name Regist

17. Game Over

18. Sound

19. Sound

20. Sound

21. Sound

22. Sound

23. Sound

24. Halley's Comet

25. Jar of Super Drunk

26. Sound

27. Extend bubble

28. Skull Monsuke appears

29. Jar of Drunk

30. Big food

31. All Cleared

32. Invader's lazer

33. Water bubble

34. Sound

35. Sound

36. Fire bubble

37. Dynamite

38. Sound

39. Sound

40. Sound

41. Sound

42. Bell

43. Sound

44. Title, Extend

45. Sound

46. Jump

47. Thunder bubble



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