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Chrono Cross [PlayStation] OST
Disc 1 Download
01. The Brink of Death.mp3 02. Home Village Arni.mp3 03. Time's Grasslands - Home World.mp3 04. Dancing the Tokage.mp3 05. Reminiscence - Feelings Not Erased.mp3 06. Dream of the Shore Bordering Another World.mp3 07. Another Arni Village.mp3 08. He Sang of Feeling.mp3 09. Lost Fragments.mp3 10. Drowning Valley.mp3 11. Another Termina.mp3 12. Leaving the Body.mp3 13. Shadow Forest.mp3 14. Viper Manor.mp3 15. Victory - Spring's Gift.mp3 16. Lost Child of Time.mp3 17. Another Guldove.mp3 18. Hydra Marshes.mp3 19. Voyage - Another World.mp3 20. Phantom Ship.mp3 21. Death Volcano.mp3 22. Ancient Dragon's Fort.mp3
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DIsc 2 Download
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01. Garden of the Gods.mp3 02. Chronopolis.mp3 03. Fates - Gods of Destiny.mp3 04. Jellyfish Sea.mp3 05. Orphan of Flame.mp3 06. The Star-Stealing Girl.mp3 07. Time of the Dreamwatch.mp3 08. Dragon's Prayer.mp3 09. Tower of Stars.mp3 10. Frozen Flame.mp3 11. Dragon God.mp3 12. Into a Time of Darkness.mp3 13. Life - Faraway Promise.mp3 14. Dream's Creation.mp3 15. The Brink of Death (Variation).mp3 16. Home Termina (Variation).mp3 17. Magical Dreamers - The Wind, Stars, and Waves (Variation).mp3 18. Birds Ambience.mp3 19. Cave Ambience.mp3 20. Cave Ambience 2.mp3
Art Image
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