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Best of Nintendo Music Vol. 1 [Album] OST
02. Blaster Master - Stage 1
03. Life Force - Stage 1
04. Punch-Out - Boxing
05. Metroid - Brinstar
06. Kid Icarus - World 1
07. Super Mario Bros - Overworld
08. Legend Of Zelda - Title
09. Kid Icarus - Castle
10. Rygar - 2nd Area
11. Castlevania - Stage 1
12. Cluclu Land - Playing
13. Duck Tales - The Amazon
14. Life Force - Stage 2
15. Super Mario Bros 2 - Stage 1
16. Rygar - Underground Cave
17. Wizards & Warriors - Title
18. Goonies 2 - World 1
19. Punch-Out - You Got A Password
20. Zelda 2 - Castle
21. Gunsmoke - Stage 1
22. Rush 'n' Attack - Stage 1
23. Ice Climber - Title & Play
24. Super Mario Bros 3 - Stage 1
25. Kid Icarus - World 2
26. Metroid - Kraid's Hide
27. Castlevania 2 - First Town
28. Balloon Fight - Balloon Trip
29. Legend Of Zelda - Outworld
30. Mega Man 3 - Snake Man
31. Super Mario Bros - Castle
32. Castlevania - Stage 3
33. Double Dragon - Stage 1
34. Mega Man - Cut Man
35. Ghost 'n' Goblins - Stage 1
36. Kid Icarus - Boss
37. Super Mario Bros - Underworld
38. Ikari Warriors - Playing
39. Shadowgate - Castle Entrance
40. Castlevania 2 - Daylight
41. Mega Man 3 - Spark Man
42. Wizards & Warriors - Stage 1
43. Donkey Kong Jr - Playing
44. Legend Of Zelda - Castle
45. Track & Field 2 - Selection Screen
46. Castlevania 3 - Unknown Stage
47. Snake Rattle 'n' Roll - Stage 1
48. Zelda 2 - Outworld
49. Life Force - Stage 6
50. Metal Gear - Ending
51. Wrecking Crew - Playing
52. Castlevania - Stage 5
53. Mega Man 2 - Wood Man
54. Gradius - Stage 1 (Part 2)
55. Rush 'n' Attack - Unknown Stage
56. Tiny Toon Adventures - Unknown
57. Zelda 2 - Ganon's Castle
58. Super Mario Bros - Swimming
59. Castlevania 2 - Ending
60. Shadowgate - Ending
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